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ICSE Students Career Aptitude Test & Class VIII Workshop, 2024-25

A career aptitude test for ICSE students was conducted on 18th & 19th July 2024 by our influential and renowned resource person, Founder- Director of Human Learning System (HLS) Kolkata, Shri Amitabh Mohan and his team.

For a broader idea, an Aptitude Test is an assessment, typically in the form of a quiz, that students can take to determine an appropriate major or career.

This test comprises contextual activities or multiple-choice questions asking students about their career goals, interests, values, and personality traits.

In addition to this, a separate session with the Class VIII Students was also conducted on the topic-

Learning Skills

Time Management

Exam Preparation

Another special session was conducted for the respective teachers on the topic- Self Exploration. The session provided a platform for our teachers to understand oneself, to discover and refresh various teaching and analytical skills.

HLS Director, Shri Amitabh Mohan and his team also conducted one to one counselling for the residential and Day Scholar & Teachers which has benefited our teachers beyond their personal and professional aspects.

The two-day workshop indeed provided a roadmap for our students and teachers to embark on a personal exploration that extends beyond professionalism, textbooks and exams, laying the foundation for a purposeful and fulfilling future Career.

Our sincere thanks to our Management for this wonderful opportunity which truly enriched our students and teachers to a greater extent.


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