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MV Teacher's Workshop,2024-25

The current and impending social changes require radical educational responses. It has become imperative that traditional teaching methods are evaluated and new innovative methods are used to enhance learning with a difference and to make the classroom non-monotonous.

Teaching approach is shifting from teacher centered to learner centered approach. Education is a vision of the future and the purpose of education is considered to be that of cultivating the spirit of innovation and fostering creativity among students.

The role of a teacher has to be changed from that of an instructor to an agent of learning by enhancing their teaching competencies.

To address these issues a one-day workshop on

 “INSIGHTS & INQUIRY IN TEACHING” was organized on 27th July 2024 in the Campus Auditorium.

To make the faculty participants familiar and friendly with the innovative tools of teaching and learning.

To incorporate instructional designs to promote student engagement.

Strategies to be used inside and outside the classroom for encouraging the culture of learning.

The workshop began with the welcome note by our honorable Chairman Sir Shri Kishan Kumar Kejriwal. He highlighted the aims and objectives of the workshop and expressed confidence that the training sessions at the workshop will help the teachers to examine the teaching strategies in a critical manner and build a foundation for creative and interesting teaching –learning strategies.

The Resource Person for the session was Dr.Sheela Raghavan, Accessor & Trainer of NABET, Presently Advisor Darwin Public School, Chennai.

The topic of the session was “I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE- A JOURNEY”. She highlighted various aspects of inclusive teaching with pedagogical aspects and the role of teacher as counsellor, communicator, guide, collaborator and as role model. A teacher must smile and be happy and instead of control should manage his / her emotions.

The session was made more lively with multiple videos and ppt presentation involving all the teachers in various activities.

She also analyzed the problems of teaching, classroom management and the hierarchical patterns in all areas of education.

The workshop succeeded in bringing to light the latest trends in the teaching learning process which will prove to be enriching for the faculty in the times to come.

Madhusthali Team extends our heartiest thanks to our Management for this great initiative to make a difference among the teaching fraternity.

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